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New York sculptor and equipment devotee Lawrence Fane (hence the title TOOLS) who admired and drew much inspiration from Sienese Renaissance artist and engineer Mariano Taccola, tried to conjure up, in his own studio, the soul of his hero. Having used formulas previously tested by Goethe's Dr. Faustus he is visited by Mephistopheles who informs him of Taccola's precise whereabouts. Taccola resides in Limbo, a special section of Netherworld, free from punishment, whose inhabitants are all artists, philosophers, intellectuals who spend their time finely and joyfully conversing with one another on sublime topics. They cannot be disturbed by worldly concerns and would not even consider the possibility of a return to earth, no matter how brief or gracious. If Fane wants to talk to Taccola he must visit Limbo himself. Having found the entrance to the Netherworld in Northern New Jersey (township of Parsippany which William Carlos William, in his Kora in Hell, had already identified as a variant spelling of  Persephone, Pluto's wife and, as such, Queen of Hades), Fane gains access to Limbo and obtains an interview with Taccola whom he worships as an artist, the creator of unyielding machines, and who, is instead offended by this categorization. "What artist?" he asks. "I am a hydraulic engineer, period." Crushed by Taccola's haughty and dismissive tones, Fane returns to earth where he is interviewed, in a TV Studio, by Georgetta Vasari -- a descendant of the illustrious Renaissance painter and writer -- who not unlike her ancestor, as well as the majority of contemporary talk-show hosts is more inclined to make statements than to ask questions: all attempts by Fane to explain the reasons behind his less than felicitous encounter with Taccola and the agency of the spell under which he has produced his own highly original work goes unheeded, revealing how the rhetoric of sarcasm may be the only way to break through the impasse between the discourse of truly necessitated art and media communication. 

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